CheckLister XP(tm) for Windows and PocketPC An advanced version of the extremely popular CheckLister software from White Antelope Systems. Now version 2.4 adds PocketPC 2003 compatibility and unlimited length text comments!
The solution for all your checklist needs. CheckLister XP allows you to create, edit, print, maintain and save checklists. Great for keeping track of Shopping Lists, Scuba Gear, Camping Gear, Aircraft Checklists, Industrial Equipment Startup Tasks, Inventories, etc. In fact, any list of tasks, ingredients or items you need to keep track of make a great CheckList. Click here for more information!
Already have CheckLister 1.x? Click here for What's New in CheckLister XP.Rated by
Attention Pilots! NOTAM Tracker provides an easy way to keep up-to-date on the latest Notice-to-Airmen changes for your specific area or route. NOTAM Tracker remembers which Notices-to-Airmen you have already seen, flagging new NOTAMs as well as ones that have just been deleted. Unlike web pages such as AOPA's, NOTAM Tracker downloads an official DUATS briefing as its data source every time you use it - so you will always have the most up-to-date information available for your specific airport or route, as provided by the FAA. Click here for more information!
Qooxdoo is a universal JavaScript framework with a coherent set of individual components and a powerful toolchain. It is open source under liberal licenses, and supported by one of the world's leading web hosts, 1&1. White Antelope Systems uses qooxdoo for a number of web projects. We make available a set of extensions to the Qooxdoo Library that further extends the capabilities of the framework. The current version of the extensions is 1.05.
LEGAL NOTICES: "CheckLister" and "NOTAM Tracker" are trademarks of White Antelope Systems. PocketPC, Windows and Microsoft are registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation. ActiveSync is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Click here for our very short privacy statement.
"Let's Roll"