Upgrade Policy

Once you register our software product you are eligible to download any software bug fixes or minor version upgrades free of charge. To do so, simply download the latest 'trial' version of your software and reinstall it. It will automatically determine your registration status and replace your previous version. (A "minor" version will have the same initial number, i.e. upgrading from version 1.0 to 1.02 or even 1.5 is a minor upgrade. Upgrading from 1.0 to 2.2 would be considered a major upgrade. Major upgrades are not free, but generally 50% off the normal shareware price to registered users.)

Report Bugs

To report a bug to our software engineers, please send an email to custserv@whiteantelopesystems.com. Be sure to include the Product (for example, 'CheckLister'), which operating system (i.e. 'PocketPC'), and which version (available on the 'About CheckLister' screen - for example '1.0'). We will do our best to duplicate the problem and resolve it to your satisfaction. Try doing that with Microsoft!

Custom Features

Need a feature that isn't included in the standard version? Send us an email to custserv@whiteantelopesystems.com and we'll see what we can do!




LEGAL NOTICES: CheckLister is a trademark of White Antelope Systems. PocketPC, Windows and Microsoft are registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation.